19. Plant Health research coordination: an international endeavor

Role Name Lecture title
Organizer - Speaker Baldissera Giovani Plant Health research coordination: an international endeavour
Speaker Anna Maria D’Onghia Plant Health research priorities for the Mediterranean region
Speaker Monica Carvajal Yepes Tools and structures for early warning and better prediction of risks
Speaker Nicola La Porta In situ detection and identification of pests as an opportunity to link field and laboratory activities
Speaker Nick Papadopoulos Modern tools and approaches to tackle pests in the Mediterranean crop production systems
Speaker Mariangela Ciampitti How research can support policy-making: future perspectives
Speaker Laura Mugnai Future challenges
Speaker Dimitris Tsitsigiannis How to protect plant health in the next 20 years
Speaker Anna Maria D’Onghia Research to address future challenges and to strengthen plant protection
Speaker Daren Mueller From Research to Reality: CPN Bridges the Gap in Plant Health Solutions
Speaker Safaa Kumari The role of the Arab Society of Plant Protection in enhancing plant health research coordination in the Arab region
Speaker Geoff Norton International Association for the Plant Protection Sciences