18A. Fungicide resistance: diagnosis, risk assessment and management, Integrated pest management

Role Name Lecture title
Speaker Melvin Bolton Unraveling the molecular basis of DMI resistance in Cercospora beticola
Speaker Gerd Stammler Overview of the fungicide sensitivity status of barley pathogens in Europe
Speaker Juergern Derpmann Status Of Resistance Development Of Important Potato Pathogens In Europe
Speaker Guido Schnabel Prevalence, mechanisms of resistance, and management of DMI and MBC fungicide resistance in Monilinia fructicola from southeastern US peach orchards
Organizer George Sofianos Characterization Of A Novel Mfs Transporter In Botrytis Cinerea That Confers Partial Resistance To Boscalid And Fluopyram
Speaker Geunhwa Jung Toward understanding mechanisms of fungicide resistance in dollar spot (causal fungus: Clarireedia jacksonii, formerly Sclerotinia homoeocarpa) on golf course