22. Management of biological Invasions in a changing world

Role Name Lecture title
Organizer – Speaker Nick T. Papadopoulos Introduction to management of biological invasion
Speaker Rui Pereira Area-wide Management of Fruit Flies Using the Sterile Insect Technique to Respond to Invasive Species
Speaker Spyridon Antonatos The invasion of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Europe: the situation in Greece
Speaker Darija Lemic The Ozone Solution: Tackling the invasive Box Tree Moth
Speaker Lisa Neven Post-harvest treatments to address invasive pests of fresh fruit commodities
Speaker Christos Athanassiou The return of the khapra beetle: enemy at the gates
Organizer - Speaker Nikos Papadopoulos A holistic approach in management of biological invasions in Europe: the fruit fly paradigm
Speaker Samira Mohamed Recent advance in biocontrol of kery invasive horticultural and field crop pests in sub-Saharan Africa: A vital tactic for their agroecological management under changing climate
Speaker Xiaorui Yan Combined Metabolome And Transcriptome Analysis Reveal The Mechanism Of High Temperature Tolerance On Spodoptera Frugiperda Under Global Climate Change
Speaker Chuanxue Hong Fighting A Good Fight Against An Invasive Pathogen Through The Boxwood Blight Insight Group