25. Emerging pest with relation plant biosecurity and food safety

Role Name Lecture title
Organizer - Lead speaker James Stack Plant Health In The Evolving One Health Concept
Speaker Michael Jeger Risk assessment, pest alerts and emergence: what determines the timelines?
Organizer Abraham Gamliel A Risk Management Framework For Plant Biosecurity
Speaker Simon Mckirdy Developing an effective biosecurity system to address introduction of emerging pests
Speaker Sigal Braun Miyara A Plant Disease Complex: A Plant Parasitic Nematode, Free Living Nematodes And A Fungus - Reevaluating Pratylenchus Disease Etiology
Speaker Mohammad Arif Emerging strains and their multi-trophic interactions threatening food safety and biosecurity
Speaker David Nanang The indispensable role of science in the Canadian food inspection agency's plant protection program
Speaker Richard Peters Population Dynamics Of The Pathogen Causing Late Blight Of Potato And Tomato In Canada: Historical Perspectives And Current Trends
Speaker Anders Kvarnheden Addressing Biohazards Of Primary Production In Agriculture
Speaker Zeng-Rong Zhu Bean Blossom Thrip Megalurothrips Usitatus Directly Causes The Black-Heads & -Tail Symptoms Of Cowpea Along With Producing Insect-Resistance Flavonoids
Speaker Jaba Jagdish Status/Shifting Of Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera Population Trend In Major Legumes And Other Crops In India