26. Environmental fate, ecotoxicology, risk assessment, and remediation of pesticide residues

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Role Name Lecture title
Organizer - Speaker Zisis Vryzas Novel approaches in remediation of pesticide residues by biological systems
Speaker Carme Sans Green approaches for pesticides control in agroindustrial effluents
Speaker Horacio Heinzen Strategies to lower the LOQs in environmental samples analysis
Speaker Maria Veronica Cesio Is it enough the analysis of pesticide residues in freshwater to evaluate the contamination status of the aquatic environment?
Speaker Silvina Niell Honey bees risk assessment of pesticide residues from agroecosystems biomonitoring
Speaker Nataša Stojić Determination and risk assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural soil next to irrigation canals
Speaker Lucía Pareja Strategies to reduce fungicide residues and mycotoxins in winder cereals
Speaker Ramdas Kanissery Tracking herbicide fate and behavior - a crucial puzzle piece for optimal horticulture production in sandy soils