45. Xylella fastidiosa

Role Name Lecture title
Organizer - Speaker Anna Maria D'Onghia Precision systems for monitoring Xylella fastidiosa in olive groves
Organizer - Speaker Maria Holeva Ten years of implementation of laboratory testing to prevent entry of xylella fastidiosa in Greece – Results of current diagnostic efforts
Speaker Alberto Fereres Philaenus spumarius: the most polyphagous insect herbivore has become an unforeseen vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe
Speaker Maria Saponari Insights into the molecular mechanisms of resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in olives and advances in the breeding programs
Speaker Maria Saponari The Current Status Of Xylella Fastidiosa In The Euro-Mediterranean Region
Speaker Baldissera Giovani Capacity building and collaboration on Xylella fastidiosa through Euphresco
Speaker Maroun El Moujabber Capacity Building and networking for Xylella fastidiosa containment in Europe and in third Countries: the impact of H2020 CURE-XF project
Speaker Franco Valentini ANCoSIX Italian project: advancing sustainable and innovative control of Xylella fastidiosa
Speaker M. Caroline Roper Defense priming and grapevine immune responses to the xylem-limited bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa
Speaker Piotr Trebicki Potential Vectors Of Xylella Fastidiosa In Australia