Role | Name | Lecture title |
Organizer - Speaker | Anna Maria D'Onghia | Precision systems for monitoring Xylella fastidiosa in olive groves |
Organizer - Speaker | Maria Holeva | Ten years of implementation of laboratory testing to prevent entry of xylella fastidiosa in Greece – Results of current diagnostic efforts |
Speaker | Alberto Fereres | Philaenus spumarius: the most polyphagous insect herbivore has become an unforeseen vector of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe |
Speaker | Maria Saponari | Insights into the molecular mechanisms of resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in olives and advances in the breeding programs |
Speaker | Maria Saponari | The Current Status Of Xylella Fastidiosa In The Euro-Mediterranean Region |
Speaker | Baldissera Giovani | Capacity building and collaboration on Xylella fastidiosa through Euphresco |
Speaker | Maroun El Moujabber | Capacity Building and networking for Xylella fastidiosa containment in Europe and in third Countries: the impact of H2020 CURE-XF project |
Speaker | Franco Valentini | ANCoSIX Italian project: advancing sustainable and innovative control of Xylella fastidiosa |
Speaker | M. Caroline Roper | Defense priming and grapevine immune responses to the xylem-limited bacterium, Xylella fastidiosa |
Speaker | Piotr Trebicki | Potential Vectors Of Xylella Fastidiosa In Australia |